There were 5,057 detached, attached and apartment properties newly listed for sale on the MLS® in February 2025. This represents a 10.9 per cent increase compared to the 4,560 properties listed in February 2024. This was 11.6 per cent above the 10-year seasonal average (4,530).
The total number of properties currently listed for sale on the MLS® system in Metro Vancouver is 12,744, a 32.3 per cent increase compared to February 2024 (9,634). This is also 36.4 per cent above the 10-year seasonal average (9,341).
Across all detached, attached and apartment property types, the sales-to-active listings ratio for February 2025 is 14.8 per cent. By property type, the ratio is 10.7 per cent for detached homes, 18.5 per cent for attached, and 16.8 per cent for apartments.
After a 46 per cent year-over-year increase of new listings in January, the number of newly listed properties on the MLS® in Metro Vancouver rose more moderately in February helping keep market conditions in balanced territory.
The Greater Vancouver REALTORS® (GVR) reports that residential sales in the region totalled 1,827 on Metro Vancouver’s Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) in February 2025, an 11.7 per cent decrease from the 2,070 sales recorded in February 2024. This total was 28.9 per cent below the 10-year seasonal average (2,571).